March 11, 2022 | Other Activities
On March 11, 2022, Adriana H. Carolina, S.E., M.M., Head of BPS Papua Province, inaugurated two (2) Administrator Officers inside the BPS Papua Province. After serving as the Head of BPS Gunung Bintang Regency, Samijan, S.ST, M.Stat., has been newly appointed as the Head of BPS Biak Numfor Regency. Geressida Sihombing S.E., M.Si. was appointed Head of BPS Gunung Bintang Regency after her term as Head of BPS Mappi Regency. Ms Adriana extended her appreciation to the two newly inaugurated echelon III officials for their dedication and contributions to the prior district throughout their tenure. She hoped they would adjust effectively to settings and surroundings that differed from those encountered in the last assignment. She expressed optimism that the newly inaugurated would carry out the mutually agreed-upon aims in their assigned areas and recommended everyone educate their staff about the current status or condition of the new policy adjustments. Congratulation to the newly appointed authorities; hopefully, they will continue to undertake PIA regularly for the sake of improving the BPS.
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