Reconciliation of Regency/City Population Projection Figures for 2020-2050 Papua Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Reconciliation of Regency/City Population Projection Figures for 2020-2050 Papua Province

Reconciliation of Regency/City Population Projection Figures for 2020-2050 Papua Province

April 10, 2023 | BPS Activities

In development planning, projecting Indonesia's population in the future is an urgent need. Therefore, Regency/Municipal BPS and Provincial BPS throughout Papua have calculated the projected population figures for 2020 - 2050 based on the results of the Long Form SP2020. For the purposes of finalizing the population projection figures which will be disseminated in June 2023, BPS Papua Province will reconcile the population projection figures at the district/city and provincial levels.
The activity, which was held on April 10-11 2023 at the Suni Abepura Hotel, was officially opened by the Head of the BPS Social Statistics Working Team for Papua Province. In his remarks, he conveyed that the Provincial and Regency/City BPS have the responsibility to complete the calculation of population projection figures down to the district/city level. During the activity, 21 representatives of Regency/Municipal BPS, 2 OPD representatives (BKKBN and Bappeda), 6 Papua Province BPS projection teams, and 1 resource person as well as the PIC for calculating the population projections of Papua Province from the Central BPS have conducted discussions and reconciliation and then finalized the projection figures. population which will be disseminated in June 2023.
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