Release Date | : | October 1, 2015 |
File Size | : | 0.11 MB |
Ø Passanger of domestic sea transportation who departed in August 2015 was recorded 12.214 people or declined 49,68 percent than previous year.
Ø Passanger of sea transportation who arrived in August 2015 was recorded 20.102 people or increased 13,71 percent compared with previous year.
Ø Loaded goods in August 2015 reached 20.046 ton or decreased 50,84 percent compared to July 2015.
Ø Unloaded goods in August 2015 reached 243.306 ton or increased 5,71 percent than July 2015.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Papua
(Statistics of Papua Province)
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