Transportation of Papua, October 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Transportation of Papua, October 2015

Transportation of Papua, October 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 1, 2015
File Size : 0.29 MB


Ø In October 2015 there was a decrease in the number of passengers departing by domestic sea transportation by 17.36 percent compared to the number in the previous month to 8,954 people.

Ø The number of sea transport passengers arriving in October 2015 was 13,879 people or 4.92 percent higher than the number in September 2015.

Ø The total volume of goods loaded at the Ports of Merauke and Jayapura rose significantly from only 7,680 tons in September 2015 to 67,643 tons in October 2015.

Ø In October 2015, total unloaded goods were recorded at 363,060 tons or 161.81 percent more than the volume of unloaded goods in the previous month.
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