Result of Economic Census of 2016 (First Result) in Papua Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Result of Economic Census of 2016 (First Result) in Papua Province

Result of Economic Census of 2016 (First Result) in Papua ProvinceDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 1, 2016
File Size : 0.09 MB


þ in Papua Province, the number of non-farm business registration Economic Census results 2016 (SE2016) reaching 151.9 thousand businesses, increased by 33.3 per cent if compared to the amount of effort the Census 2006 Economic results recorded as much as 113.9 thousand businesses.

þ From as much as 151.9 thousand business results SE2016, recorded as many as 32.4 thousand businesses occupying the building specifically for businesses. Thus, a total of 119.5 thousand businesses do not occupy the building of special efforts, such as the pitchman, the effort in the House of residence, business, etc.

þ Views based on kabupaten/kota, Jayapura kabupaten/kota is with the most amount of effort i.e. 28.1 thousand. But judging from its growth, Lanny Jaya has the highest and significant business growth i.e. 1,164.5 percent, followed by growth of the Star Mountains Regency reached 441.5 percent.
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