Consumer Price Index/Inflation in Jayapura City and Merauke, June 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Consumer Price Index/Inflation in Jayapura City and Merauke, June 2017

Consumer Price Index/Inflation in Jayapura City and Merauke, June 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 3, 2017
File Size : 0.81 MB


Ø in June 2017 as the second city of CPI in Papua Province recorded changes in the same index number where Jayapura inflation amounted to 1.02 percent and inflation of 0.12 experienced Merauke percent with consumer price index (CPI) each amounting to 131.07 and amounted to 135.57. From the city's CPI recorded 82 79 cities suffered inflation and deflation of the city 3. The highest inflation occurs in Tual of 4.48 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in Merauke of 0.12 percent. The highest deflation happened in Singaraja of-0.64 percent and the lowest in Denpasar of deflation-0.01 percent. Jayapura ranked 25th nationally and no. 14 at the rate of Sulampua (Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua). While the Merauke 79-ranked nationally and no. 18 on the Sulampua level.

Ø Inflation in Jayapura in April 2017 occurs due to an increase in the price of goods and services indicated by the increase in the number of indexes on the Group spending the group housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel amounted to 0.24 per cent and group transportation, communication and financial services of 5.66 percent. Group expenditure has decreased the price of goods and services namely food group amounted to-0.82 percent; food group so, drinks, cigarette and tobacco of 0.04 percent; group health-0.08 percent; the Group of education, recreation and sports of 0.18-whilst the article is not changing the numbers, index. Inflation in Merauke on Junil 2017 occurs due to an increase in the price of goods and services indicated by the rise in the index figures on group expenditures: food group so, drinks, cigarette and tobacco amounted to 0.14; the group housing, water, electricity and fuel amounting to 0.08 percent; a group of clothing 0.21 percent; group health of 0.05 per cent and group transportation, communication and financial services amounted to 7.39 percent. Group expenditure has decreased the price of goods and services is a group of grocery-2.39 percent and education, recreation and sports of-0.10 percent
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