Papua Province Youth Statistics for 2020-2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Papua Province Youth Statistics for 2020-2022

Catalog Number : 4103008.94
Publication Number : 94000.2331
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : July 10, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 1.82 MB


One of the strategic agendas of youth development is to create the next generation of a strong, independent and competitive nation's future. Moreover, the existence of demographic bonus opportunities requires youth to be smart in taking roles and opportunities. Recognizing the urgency of the role attached to youth, the government is trying to develop the potential of youth through awareness, empowerment and youth development in all fields as part of national development. Therefore, accurate and actual data and information are needed to support the success of youth development. The Publication of Youth Statistics for 2020-2022 was created to support the need for data and information related to the condition of youth in terms of demographics, education, health and access to information technology.
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