Gross Regional Domestic Bruto Regencies in Papua Tengah Province by Expenditure 2019-2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Gross Regional Domestic Bruto Regencies in Papua Tengah Province by Expenditure 2019-2023

Catalog Number : 9302023.94
Publication Number : 94000.24139
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 30, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 4.34 MB


The publication of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Regency in Papua Tengah Province by Industry for the Years 2019-2023 is a compilation of GRDP publications issued by BPS-Statistics Regency in Papua Tengah Province. This province is a new province formed from the division of Papua Province based on Law No. 16 of 2022. Therefore, the data presented for the years 2022-2023 only include GRDP data from regencies as part of the new coverage area of Papua Tengah Province. The presentation of GRDP data in this publication consists of primary tables of GRDP based on current market prices and 2010 constant market prices by industry. In addition to the primary tables containing GRDP values, derivative tables such as sectoral distribution, chain indexes, implicit price indexes, and comparisons among regencies in Papua Tengah Province are also provided. The use of GRDP data aims to depict the macroeconomic conditions of Papua Tengah Province.
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