April 15, 2015 | Other Activities
Decentralization in political and economic power
to sub region authority has been an emerging issue over the past three decades especially
among the developing countries. It has been deliberated as a significant factor
in democracy with participation; with privatization and deregulation has been
characterized a shared power in economic nation plan (Bardhan & Mookherjee,
2006). Decentralization has been gently famous nowadays (Manor, 1999, p. 1) and
even considered as cornerstones of the modern good governance schema (Goetz,
2000, p. 3). With the promise of local democracy, Decentralization calls people
in local ground to be more actively participated in effort to achieve an effective
and efficient service delivery (Bossuyt & Gould, 2000, p. 4). Yet, within
the ostensibly worldwide consensus there are those who look at decentralization
as a new problem, stuffed at with hidden inequalities and insufficiencies. Inside
the present debates, one of the often declared criticisms of decentralization
is that governments in many times do not make choices to decentralise on the foundation
of the democratic promises but rather as a result of an effort to extend the
government's domination. Looking through the long standing debates on decentralization
impact, this essay will try to look the ongoing process of Decentralization in
the country that considered as the most decentralised in the world, Indonesia
(Hofman & Kaiser, 2004, p. 1); and the most far reaching local authority
reforms among the developing countries, Uganda ((Saxena et al., 2010, p. 1). Despite
the current disapproval of the advantages of decentralization, it can be seen
that this sharing of power will bring hope in the future to achieve better service
delivery for the people in local area. However, improvement is crucial, in
government accountability, fiscal arrangement, and public staff resource
by Kristin Oktanita
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