A Visit to Strengthen Coordination between BI and BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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A Visit to Strengthen Coordination between BI and BPS

A Visit to Strengthen Coordination between BI and BPS

March 23, 2022 | Other Activities

Jayapura- In order to strengthen coordination between BI and BPS, the Head of Bank Indonesia (BI) for Papua Region Mr. Juli Budi Winantya visited the Papua Province BPS Office on Tuesday, 22 March 2022. This visit was warmly welcomed by the Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Calorina who was accompanied by KF Production Statistics Bety Yayuningsih, KF Nerwilis Priyo Yudiatmoko, and SKF Price Distribution Statistics Function of Sinaga Diamond. The visit was aimed at increasing friendship and conducting brief discussions related to strategic data produced by BPS Papua Province. The data includes food crop production, economic growth, inflation and poverty. In addition, Ms. Adriana and Mr. Juli also discussed phenomena that are currently happening in Indonesia, especially in Papua, such as the determination of cooking oil prices. This visit is expected to strengthen the relationship between BI and BPS Papua Province.
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