February 9, 2022 | BPS Activities
On the 9th and 10th of February 2022, BPS of Papua Province held a "Concurrent Regional Consultation (Konserda) - GRDP of Regency/City in Papua Province for 2019-2021" in the Sasana Gamma hall of BPS of Papua Province’s Office. This is a standard procedure that is conducted annually before the announcement of the Regency/City GRDP data in April. This event was launched by the Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Carolina, SE., MM., and the Head of Processing Integration and Dissemination (IPDS), Tri Setyanto, SST. Participants come from all BPS Representatives Offices across Papua Province. As the event was held in the midst of a pandemic, it was conducted in two ways: face-to-face on the first day and online on the second. It is intended that through this event, we would be able to preserve the quality of the data that will be provided for the stakeholders and others who use Papua's economic statistics.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Papua
(Statistics of Papua Province)
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