Preparation Meeting for the LF SP2020 National Coordination Meeting - Unit Jayapura - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Preparation Meeting for the LF SP2020 National Coordination Meeting - Unit Jayapura

Preparation Meeting for the LF SP2020 National Coordination Meeting - Unit Jayapura

March 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

Statistics of Indonesia (BPS) of Papua Province carried out the "Preparatory Meeting for the National Coordination Meeting of LF SP2020 - Unit  Jayapura" on 17-18 March 2022, taking place in the Sasana Gamma hall of the Papua Province BPS Office. This activity was carried out simultaneously in all regions of Papua Province which were divided into 5 places, namely in Jayapura, Merauke, Mimika, Biak, and Nabire. The opening of this activity was carried out by the Head of BPS Papua Province, Adriana Helena Carolina. accompanied by the Coordinator of the Production Statistics Function, Bety Yayu Yuningsih, and the Coordinator of the Processing and Dissemination Integration Function (IPDS), Tri Setyanto. Participants from the Mamta and La Pago customary regions' Regency/City BPS-Statistics attended the activity in Jayapura City. It is expected that by participating in this activity, information on the progress of preparations for the execution of the Long Form SP2020 by the Regency/City BPS can be collected as material to be delivered at the National Coordination Meeting on March 29-30, 2022.
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