April 11, 2022 | BPS Activities
BPS will carry out Long Form SP 2020 Activities in May-June 2022 as part of a series of SP2020 activities. Because the government has made significant investments in this activity, collaboration and substantial resources are needed for the success of LF SP 2020. As a consequence, the same perception is obligated. to all Regency/City BPS related to field and administrative implementation procedures in the LF SP2020 implementation. As a matter of fact, BPS Papua Province held a Regional Technical Coordination Meeting LF SP2020 BPS Regency/City in Papua Province on 11-13 April 2022 at Swiss Bellhotel Cendrawasih, Biak Numfor Regency.
The activity, which attended by 97 people, was launched off by the Regional Secretary of Biak Numfor Regency, Markus O. Mansnembra, S.H, M.M., and was followed by a briefing from the Head of the Papua Province BPS, Mrs. Adriana Helena Carolina, S.E, and speakers from the KPPN Biak Numfor Regency, as well as explanations from each field in the LF SP2020.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Papua
(Statistics of Papua Province)
Jl. Dr. Sam Ratulangi Dok II Jayapura 99112
Telp. (0967) 5165 999; 5165 107
Email : pst9400@bps.go.id