April 21, 2022 | Other Activities
According to Presidential Decree No. 108 of 1964, the then-President of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, designated Raden Ajeng Kartini as a National Independence Hero and designated her birthday at April 21 as Kartini Day. Kartini Day is meant to honour the hero R.A. Kartini's contributions in fighting for equal rights and pioneering the ascent of women.
In 2022, Dharma Wanita Persatuan BPS Papua Province celebrated Kartini Day in the Sasana Gama Hall, 6th Floor, BPS Papua Province Office. This event was attended by all female employees and the wives of the employee from BPS Papua Province and the surrounding BPS Regency/City. The Kebaya Dress Competition is the highlight of this event, which evaluates three aspects: walking, eye expression, and clothes. Mrs. Rastra from BPS Jayapura Regency was crowned as the winner of the competition.
"Don't quit up while you're still willing to give it your best shot. Don't let regrets overtake you since you're just one step away from victory." Raden Ajeng Kartini
Happy Kartini Day 2022!
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