Papua Province BPS Visit to the Papua Province Food and Agriculture Office - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Papua Province BPS Visit to the Papua Province Food and Agriculture Office

Papua Province BPS Visit to the Papua Province Food and Agriculture Office

February 10, 2022 | Other Activities

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the Head of the Papua Province BPS, Adriana Helena Carolina, accompanied by the Coordinator of the Production Statistics Function, Beti Yayu Yuningsih, paid a visit to the Agriculture and Food Agency of Papua Province. This visit is part of an effort to re-establish cooperative relationships between BPS and key stakeholders in the pursuit of One Agricultural Data. Adriana and Beti were welcomed by Samuel Siriwa, the Head of the Agriculture and Food Service. The objective of this discussion is to improve the synergy between BPS and the Agriculture and Food Agency, both at the provincial and district/city levels. The collaboration between the two organizations is part of a larger effort to improve agricultural data so that it can be used to help policymakers develop more precise policies. Beti also conveyed the plan for statistical activities in the agricultural sector to be carried out in 2022, as well as the activities for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023), which have begun to enter the promotional preparation stage. Adriana expressed her appreciation to the Department of Agriculture and Food, which has been teaming up with BPS Papua Province to create high-quality and trustworthy agricultural statistics data for the province's agricultural development.
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