Farmers Terms of Trade of Papua Province, May 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Farmers Terms of Trade of Papua Province, May 2015

Farmers Terms of Trade of Papua Province, May 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 1, 2015
File Size : 0.54 MB


Ø in may 2015, the exchange rate (NTP) Farmers in Papua Province recorded experienced an increase of 0.26 per cent to 97.07 compared the previous month of NTP 96.81. The increase occurred due to the rise in the index of prices farmers received (It) is greater than the increase in the index of prices paid farmers (Ib).

Ø National NTP in may 2015 was 100.02 or down 0.12 percent compared to NTP April 2015. This is caused by the naiknyanya farmers received index of 0.35 percent and the rise in the index of prices paid farmers 0.47 percent.

Ø in may 2015, subsector recorded food plants have NTP of 87.84; NTP subsector of 100.93 Horticulture; NTP subsector Crops Plantation is 107.04; NTP subsector Farms of 100.40; and Fisheries subsector recorded NTP of 104.17. Further, the Fisheries subsector NTP can be specified into the Capture Fisheries and NTP NTP Aquaculture each of 108.58 and 91.83.

Ø In rural regions of New Guinea occur inflation amounting to 0.02 percent in may 2015. Rural inflation occurs due to the rise in the price index of household spending five subgroups, where the highest increase occurred in the subgroup of transport and communication rose to 1.61 percent.

Ø nationally, as many as 29 provinces are experiencing inflation of which the rural the highest occurred in Kalteng of 0.97 percent; while 4 other provinces experienced deflation of the countryside where the highest occurred in NTT of (-0.24 percent). For the Sumapua experience of rural Papua where Inflation was ranked into Ten Sumapua with inflation reaching 0.02 percent.

Ø exchange rate compared to the Efforts of Agricultural Households (NTUP) April 2015, NTUP of Papua in may 2015 rose 0.13 percent to 105.47.
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