Poverty of Papua Province, MArch 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Poverty of Papua Province, MArch 2015

Release Date : October 1, 2015
File Size : 0.66 MB


percentage, the poor population in Papua during the last six months increase of 0.36 percent points from 27.80 percent in September 2014 be 28.17 percent in March 2015.
 the poverty line (GK) in urban areas by September 2014 is Rp 440.697,-higher than the GK village reached Rp 388.095. This means, the cost to meet the needs of a decent living minimum (basic needs) for the food and not a food is greater in urban areas than in rural areas.
Role of commodity food against much bigger than GK role of commodities not food (housing, clothing, education, and health), namely 75.32 percent compared to 24.68 percent.
the influential Food Commodities to GK in urban areas is rice, cigarettes, kua wet, egg races, COB/tuna/tuna and bloating. While the influential commodities against GK countryside is cassava vines, rice, cigarettes, meat and sugar.
during the period March 2014 – September 2014, Poverty Depth Index (P1) and the index of the severity of poverty (P2) indicates the trend of the increase. This indicates that the average spending on the poor tend to be getting away from the poverty line and inequality spending on the poor population are also getting bigger.
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