Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, October 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, October 2016

Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, October 2016Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2016
File Size : 0.58 MB


þ in October 2016, the exchange rate (NTP) Farmers in Papua Province experienced a decrease of 0.27-percent with the index compared index 95.91 NTP NTP months earlier 96.17. The increase happened because farmers accepted price index lower than the index of prices paid farmers where rising 0.20 percent and 0.48 percent increase.

þ October 2016 National NTP of 101.71 or decreased by 0.30 percent compared to NTP-September 2016. This occurs because the index of prices farmers received is lower than the price paid index farmers where farmers accepted price index decline-0.22 percent and the index of prices paid farmers experiencing rising 0.07 percent.

þ NTP Papua Province October 2016 according to subsector recorded 3 (three) subsector has a value under 100 i.e. NTP NTP food crop Subsector 88.40; NTP NTP 99.44 Horticulture and Livestock Subsector 99.89. While the two other subsector have a value above 100 IE NTP NTP subsector Crops Plantation and Fisheries subsector NTP 100.05 recorded 102.38. Further, the Fisheries subsector specified NTP NTP becomes the Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture NTP 107.91 87.12. In General, the decline in the index of NTP occur in subsector Holtukultura, Plantation Crops and Fisheries subsector subsector while food crops and Livestock subsector experienced a rise in the index of NTP.

þ From 33 provinces counted NTP, recorded 17 provinces experienced a rise in NTP and 16 provinces experienced a decline of West Sulawesi where NTP noted rising 1.09 percent i.e. highest NTP while Banten recorded increase NTP low of 0.08 percent. While the North Sulawesi province recorded the largest decline in the index with IE-1.34 percent and West Java with the smallest decline of-0.13 percent.

þ Rural Inflation can be known through the index of household Consumption. Rural inflation Papua October 2016 recorded experiencing inflation 0.61 percent. Rural inflation occurs due to an increase in the index in most of the sub group of household spending except sub groups spending for education, recreation and sport decline index of 0.62 percent and sub groups transport and communication of-0.21 percent while the highest index increase occurred in the housing subgroup 1.13 percent.

þ nationally, 15 provinces are experiencing inflation of rural and 18 other provinces going rural rural inflation deflation highest happened in North Sumatra 0.76 percent and lowest in Bangka Belitung 0.01 percent. Deflation occurred in the largest rural Gorontalo-0.91 percent and the smallest was recorded in East Java-0.01 percent.

þ Rate Effort of Agricultural Households (NTUP) in Papua on December 2016 rising 0.22 percent or a rise in the index numbers of 110.73 in September 2016 becomes 110.97 in October 2016.
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