Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, June 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, June 2017

Farmer Terms of Trade of Papua Province, June 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 3, 2017
File Size : 0.57 MB


þ in June 2017, the exchange rate (NTP) Farmers in Papua Province experienced a decrease of-0.51 percent with the index compared index 95.04 NTP NTP months earlier 95.52. The decline occurred because farmers accepted price index change is less than the price paid index farmers where rising 0.38 percent and 0.89 percent increase.

þ National NTP June 2017 of 100.53 or experienced a rise of 0.38 percent compared to NTP May 2017. This occurs because of a change of price index higher than farmers received index prices paid farmers where farmers received a price index rising 0.60 percent and the index of prices paid farmers experiencing rising 0.22 percent.

þ NTP Papua Province June 2017 according to subsector recorded 3 (three) subsector has a value under 100 i.e. NTP NTP food crop Subsector 86.07; NTP and NTP 99.16 Livestock Subsector Subsector Fisheries 98.26. While the two other subsector have a value above 100 IE NTP NTP NTP 100.60 Horticulture and Plantation Crops 101.15. Further, the Fisheries subsector specified NTP NTP Capture Fisheries became 103, 86dan NTP Aquaculture 82.90. In General, the decline in the index of NTP occur at four (4) subsector i.e. food crops, horticulture, animal husbandry and fisheries, Crop subsector while the Plantation is the only subsector that experienced a rise in the index number NTP.

þ From 33 provinces counted NTP, recorded 13 Provinces experiencing increase in NTP and NTP decline 20 provinces of Banten which recorded the highest increase NTP i.e. 1.34 per cent while Riau Islands recorded increase NTP low 0.004 percent. While the Bangka Belitung province recorded the largest decline in the index with IE-1.42 percent and the East Kalimantan recorded the smallest decline that is-0.01 percent.

þ Rural Inflation can be known through the index of household Consumption. Rural inflation Papua June 2017 recorded experiencing inflation 1.10 percent. Rural inflation occurs due to an increase in the index on all sub groups.

þ nationally, 27 provinces experiencing rural inflation and 6 (six) other provinces going rustic with rural Inflation deflation highest occurred in Gorontalo of 2.30 percent and lowest in Bali sebsar 0.02 percent. While the biggest happening in rural Deflation West Sumatra of-0.54 percent and the smallest was recorded in Central Java of 0.06 percent.

þ Rate Effort of Agricultural Households (NTUP) in Papua in June 2017 decreased by 0.25 percent or a rise in the index numbers of 113.41 in may 2017 be 113.69 on June 2017.
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