Manufacturing Industry of Papua Province, 2nd Quarter of 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Manufacturing Industry of Papua Province, 2nd Quarter of 2017

Manufacturing Industry of Papua Province, 2nd Quarter of 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2017
File Size : 0.54 MB


v. Presentation (release) the official News statistics for manufacturing industries are distinguished into large and Medium manufacturing industries (IBS) as well as Micro and small Industries (IMK).


þ production growth of large and medium manufacturing industries (q to q) Papua Province Quarter II-2017 experiencing positive growth of 4.51 percent from the Quarter I-2017.

þ If compared Quarterly production growth I-2017, the growth of industrial production in large and medium Manufacturing (y-on-y) province of Papua in the Quarter II-2017 also experienced positive growth, namely amounting to 7.45 percent.

þ the positive growth of IBS in q to q and y-on-y increase of occurrence due to the production of the main food industry (KBLI 10) and Wood industry group production, goods of wood and Cork (not including Furniture) and Woven Goods from Bamboo, rattan and the like (KBLI 16). This is likely due to the influence of the increasing demand for these two commodities. In addition to the availability of raw materials, particularly for Palm oil commodity as raw palm oil.



þ production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries (q to q) Papua Province Quarter II-2017 experiencing positive growth of 13.13 percent of I-2017. Such growth is caused by a factor of increasing production of some commodities, particularly Industrial Commodity apparel (KBLI 14); Wood industry, goods made of wood, articles of wood and Cork (not including Furniture) and Woven from Bamboo, rattan and the like (KBLI 16); Industrial commodity Goods Minerals Nonmetallic (KBLI 23); Other Transport Tools and industry (KBLI 30).

þ If viewed with (y-on-y), the growth of Micro and small industrial production (IMK) Quarter II-2017 Papua Province is experiencing significant positive growth, namely of 25.68 percent of Quarterly II-2016. This possibility can be caused due to the high demand for more consumers against certain industrial products during the Quarter II-2017 compared to Quarter II-2016, the main industry of Other Transport Tools (KBLI 30); Industrial Printing and reproduction of the recording Media (KBLI 18); and industrial Printing and reproduction of the recording Media (KBLI 18) and Industrial Goods Minerals Nonmetallic (KBLI 23).
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