Happiness index of Papua Province, 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Happiness index of Papua Province, 2017

Happiness index of Papua Province, 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 15, 2017
File Size : 0.67 MB


§ Happiness index of Papua Province in the year 2017 based on results of a survey Measuring the level of happiness (SPTK) amounted to 67.52 on 0-100 scale.

§ Happiness Index in Papua Province year 2017 is a composite index compiled by three dimensions, namely the satisfaction of living (Life Satisfaction), feeling (Affect), and the meaning of life (Eudaimonia). Contributions are used as penimbang on each dimension of against Happiness Index in Papua Province was 34.80 percent, life satisfaction feeling (Affect) 31.18 per cent, and the meaning of life (Eudaimonia) 34.02 percent.

§ The value index of each dimension of Happiness Index is as follows: is Index: (1) the dimensions of the life satisfaction of 68.42; (2) the index the dimension of feeling (Affect) of 63.82; and (3) Index the dimensions of the meaning of life (Eudaimonia) of 69.98. The entire index dimensions measured on a scale of 0-100.
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