Farmer Exchange Rate of Papua Province, August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Farmer Exchange Rate of Papua Province, August 2020

Release DateΒ :Β September 1, 2020
File SizeΒ :Β 0.66 MB


  • Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) is the comparison of the price index received by farmers (𝐼𝑑) to the price index paid by farmers (𝐼𝑏).
  • NTP is an indicator to see the level of ability / purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. NTP also shows the terms of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.
  • In August 2020, the Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in Papua Province increased by 0.56 percent with an NTP index of 103.13. The increase occurred because the price index received by farmers (𝐼𝑑) was greater than the price paid by farmers (𝐼𝑏).
  • August 2020 National NTP of 100.65 or an increase of 0.56 percent compared to the NTP of the previous month.
  • NTP of Papua Province in August 2020 according to subsectors, namely: NTP of Food Crops Subsector 102.15; Horticulture Subsector NTP 101.50; NTP of Community Plantation Crops Subsector 102.14; NTP of Animal Husbandry Subsector 109.10; and Fisheries NTP 110.23. Furthermore, the fisheries sub-sector NTP is broken down into Capture Fisheries NTP 110.76 and Aquaculture NTP 101.43.
  • Of the 34 provinces that carried out the NTP calculation in August 2020, it showed that 25 provinces experienced an increase in NTP while 9 other provinces experienced a decrease in NTP where Bangka Belitung had the highest NTP increase, namely 3.64 percent and Maluku was recorded to have the largest decrease, namely -1.21 percent .
  • Rural Papua in August 2020 recorded a decline in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) by -0.02 percent.
  • The Papua Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in August 2020 was 105.73 or an increase of 0.50 percent.
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