Papua Happiness Index 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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Papua Happiness Index 2014

 Papua Happiness Index 2014Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 2, 2015
File Size : 0.4 MB


  • Happiness Index Papua in 2014 amounted to 60.97 on a scale of 0-100.
  • Happiness index is the average of the index number of every individual in Papua in 2014. The higher the index value indicates the level of the happier life, and vice versa, the lower the index value, the population increasingly unhappy.
  • Happiness Index is a composite index compiled by the level of satisfaction with the 10 essential aspects of life. The tenth aspect in substance and together reflect the level of satisfaction with the happiness that includes: 1) health, 2) education, 3) work, 4) household income, 5) family harmony, 6) the availability of free time, 7) social relations , 8) the condition of the home and assets, 9) the state of the environment, and 10) security conditions.
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