PPID's Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Papua Province

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PPID's Coordination Meeting

PPID's Coordination Meeting

April 20, 2022 | Other Activities

Adriana Helena Carolina, S.E, M.M, Head of BPS Papua Province, attended the PPID Coordination Meeting (Rakor) on Wednesday 20 April 2022, with the topic "Optimizing the role and function of PPID to build synergy in the management of information and public documentation," which took place in the Hall of the Office of Communication and Informatics of Papua Province. Adriana participated in two activities at this event. The first is collaboration with Mr. Andri Damir, S.IP., M.Si, Head of the Pusdalitbag Bapedda Papua Province, and Mr. Jeri Agus Yudianto, S.Kom, Head of the Papua Province Communications and Information Service, addressing the deployment of sectoral statistics in the Papua Province SKPD environment. Adriana then presented information on how One Data Indonesia (SDI) is being used to provide high-quality sectoral statistics in Indonesia. Adriana stated in her presentation that the purpose of development is to increase people's welfare, which is based on Regional Government Law No. 23 of 2014. This must be supported by high-quality data. This data can eventually be used to create quality plans and lead to quality development.

However, there are four major problems in producing sectoral statistical data: data management that is still segregated, data access that is complicated, lack data standard, and human resources that are still limited. Based on these issues, Adriana presented several main strategies that can be implemented, namely strengthening the national statistical system as the foundation for implementing statistics in Indonesia, offering sectoral statistical direction to statistical activity organizers, implementing data standards and statistical metadata standard structures, and providing capacity building for human resource development in Indonesia. Furthermore, Adriana believes that if this method is executed, the quality of Papua Province sectoral data will increase.

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